On November 14, 2015, after months of traveling across America on the Immortality Bus campainging for US President, Zoltan Istvan put the finishing edits on the Transhumanist Bill of Rights upon the steps of the US Supreme Court in Washington DC. The next day, surrounded by supporters, filmmakers, and machine-gun toting Capitol police threating arrest, Zoltan read outloud the Transhumanist Bill of Rights and then posted it to the US Capitol. While some spectators considered it a joke, and the document didn’t stick well to the Capitol in the weather, the Transhumanist Bill of Rights has gone on to become of the most important futurist documents, praised and critisized by dozens of major media outlets and scholars.
Notably, in the National Academy of Sciences Issues magazine, Professor of Sociology Steve Fuller gently praised what the Transhumanist Bill of Rights was trying to accomplish. On the other hand, attorney Wesley J. Smith bashed it in an essay titled The Transhumanist Bill of Wrongs for the The American Spectator. It’s viral moment came when Wired Magazine published the document in full on its site in 2018. The Transhumanist Bill of Rights has also been featured numerous times on television and in documentaries, and has a wikipedia page.
The Transhumanist Bill of Rights is now a crowdsourced document in its third version, and every few years, anyone can democratically voice their opinion on what the futurist document will say.
The original paper version of the bill is set to soon become part of a museum exhibit in Napa Valley, California, where the Immortality Bus will permanently reside.